Current price of gold

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Current price of silver

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Company Kletuš Ltd. - Your partner for precious metals.


Gold bars


Gold and silver refining is the process by which pure metals can be obtained from different materials and waste materials.

We perform complexed refining processes with the most modern technologies.

The great importance of gold and silver, in economical and technological aspects, raises interest in their production, regardless of the resources on which this production is based.

Periodic System

Considering diversity of these resources, both in origin (natural, secondary) and its composition, there are a number of technical - technological options for their processing.


We are proud of the fact that our quality, performance, hard work and technology have been certified by the world recognized and renowned institutions such as GIA-Gemological Institute of America, members of RAPNet - a diamond trading network, ISO - International Organisation of Standardization...

GIA - Gemological Institute of America

Rapnet Member

ISO 9001; ISO 14001

Iso standard 11426